Skuteczna i sprawna komunikacja w lotnictwie jest nieodzownym warunkiem bezpieczeństwa.
ICAO English Language Proficiency Test prowadzony przez firmę ICAO4U jest dedykowany do zapewnienia skutecznej i wydajnej komunikacji w branży lotniczej. Stanowi to niezbędny warunek bezpieczeństwa zarówno pasażerów, jak i członków załogi.
Podstawową misją firmy jest rozwijanie i utrzymywanie standardów komunikacji zgodnych z wytycznymi Organizacji Międzynarodowego Lotnictwa Cywilnego (ICAO), które odgrywają kluczową rolę w tworzeniu bezpiecznej i wydajnej globalnej sieci lotniczej.
Oferując kompleksowe egzaminy z biegłości językowej i szkolenia, ICAO4U pomaga pilotom, kontrolerom ruchu lotniczego i innym profesjonalistom lotniczym osiągnąć wymagany poziom kompetencji językowych, zmniejszając w ten sposób ryzyko nieporozumień i ostatecznie promując wyższy poziom bezpieczeństwa w branży.
Some of the deadliest aviation accidents resulted from miscommunication.
- Avianca Flight 52 Long Island 1990/ 65 passengers died,
- Air Florida Flight 1990 Virginia 1982/ 78 passengers died,
- Dan Air Flight 1008 Canary Islands 1980/ 146 passengers died,
- American Airlines Flight 965 1995/ 159 passengers died,
- Pan Am Flight 1736 KLM 4805 Tenerife/ 583 passengers died.
In some cases, it was just one word misheard, sometimes ignoring the message or failure to use correct phraseology or basic grammar mistake… At ICAO4U we are taking practical effort to ensure safety in the air and on the ground.
And that’s why… our mission is effectively summarised by the statement:
Let the Safety Do the Talking
It is the mission of ICAO4U to constantly develop and build aviation communication skills in the English language among the pilots performing flights in the skies supervised by EASA.
Our goal is to make sure that in 2030 all aviation personnel performing their duties in Europe will communicate in English fluently, confidently, correctly and understandably.
Effective and efficient communication in aviation is the indispensable condition of safety. English language communication which observes strictly the standards recognized by ICAO and EASA ensures communication comfort and situational awareness of pilots and all aviation personnel.
Universal application of one uniformed and recognized communication standard constitutes the opportunity for mutual understanding both en-route and during the performance of aerodrome operations. This results in:
- mutual understanding and support,
- prevention and avoidance of dangerous situations,
- traffic fluency,
- development and update of piloting competence,
- international trainings participation,
- exchange of opinions and knowledge.
Universally used aviation English is the synonym of mutual respect both in the air and on the ground.
ICAO4U Test Description
The ICAO4U Aviation Communication Proficiency Examination effectively assesses English language skills in the aviation context and thus meets the guidelines and fulfils the recommendations of ICAO. The ICAO4U Test is officially recognized by Transport Malta Civil Aviation Directorate and accepted by Civil Aviation Authorities in EASA countries.
The key features of The ICAO4U Aviation Proficiency Examination
- Online test / Real-life interlocutor-examiner. The application of the blended method of ONLINE testing by the REAL examiner rather than digital algorithm ensures the most effective and efficient method of language skills assessment and provides the candidate with comfort and benefit of real-life testing.
- Time efficiency and fast results. Online testing provides both the candidates and the examiners with the opportunity to save time and plan their schedule reliably and efficiently. The test results are delivered to the candidates in the form of electronic certificates within 48 hours following the interview.
- The team of experienced professionals. ICAO4U comprises the team of experienced professionals both in the field of aviation and creating effective tools for online language education of the highly skilled professionals: pilots and ATCs.
- Effective assessment of the English language competence in aviation context. Allcontent questions and examination tasks recreate aviation contexts which require spontaneous language reaction.
- Consistency and Transparency guaranteed by the fact that all examination sessions are recorded and safely stored at ICAO4U. They are available to the candidate’s applicable aviation authorities at their request.
- Always up-to-date examination content. Due to the fact that creating online examination content releases the authors from prolonged characteristics of the traditional printing publishing process, the examination sets may be updated promptly according to the development of aviation issues in real time.