Wind Phrases
Learn the phrases and the example sentences, make your own ones. They will prove handy and useful both during the exam and everyday airmen’s situations.… Czytaj dalej »Wind Phrases
Learn the phrases and the example sentences, make your own ones. They will prove handy and useful both during the exam and everyday airmen’s situations.… Czytaj dalej »Wind Phrases
LISTEN AND REPEAT SYMPTOMS show symptoms / display symptoms stroke/ heart attack / chest pains do / make / perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) The passenger… Czytaj dalej »Medical Emergency! Levels 4/5/6.
Pronunciation: The pilot reported that, during the initial climb after takeoff from Runway 20 at Nut Tree Airport in Vacaville, California, the Cessna 150H’s engine… Czytaj dalej »Stuck Exhaust Pipe: accident report
You often ask us how long examination model answer/ response should be. Take a look below:) What are the difficult situations that the cabin crew… Czytaj dalej »Exam Model Answer: Difficult Situations that Cabin Crew Deal With
An American Airlines mechanic has appeared in federal court on a sabotage charge after being accused of disabling a navigation system before it was scheduled… Czytaj dalej »Deliberately/ On Purpose / Purposefully/ Intentionally
Foreign pilots will be allowed entry into Australia on two-year work visas to solve the problem of a growing national shortage that is seeing planes… Czytaj dalej »Lack of Pilots Poses a Serious Problem for Airlines
a massive fire broke out contain the fire halt operations damage to aircraft A massive fire broke out at Liege Airport, Belgium, in the hangar… Czytaj dalej »Fire Emergency at Liege Airport: Level 4
departures remained unaffected by the restriction – ograniczenia nie miały wpływu na rozkład odlotów temporary – tymczasowy less than a handful of flights – kilka… Czytaj dalej »Airspace Restrictions
Tutaj możesz obejrzeć zapis webinaru Bartosz Orłowski, zgodnie z tym jak go przedstawiliśmy, to prawdziwy lotniczy człowiek Renesansu. Pilot, kontroler, wykładowca, egzaminator. A przy tym… Czytaj dalej »Kilka dni po webinarze: DZIĘKUJEMY wszystkim!
What are the difficult situations that the cabin crew have to deal with? The flight attendants are responsible for the comfort and safety of the… Czytaj dalej »Difficult Situations that Cabin Crew Have to Deal with. Modelowa odpowiedź egzaminacyjna