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ICAO4U – aviation language Wind Phrases

Wind Phrases

Learn the phrases and the example sentences, make your own ones. They will prove handy and useful both during the exam and everyday airmen’s situations.

  • Intensive precipitation and severe wind are forecast. Bear in mind that ‘forecast’ an irregular verb: ‘forecast-forecast-forecast’ . Using the form’ forecasted’ is a frequent mistake which lowers your grade in structure category of ICAO assessment.
  • Tail wind made the flight home very relaxing. Tail wind and head wind.
  • Let’s wait until the wind drops before departing.
  • The wind suddenly changed and began blowing from the south.
  • Unfavorable wind conditions are forecast for tomorrow morning. Wind + noun: wind direction, wind power, wind speed, wind velocity: Sudden changes in wind velocity may cause that the aircraft is unable to maintain the altitude.
  • Several aircraft reported strong gusts of crosswind on the short final to the RWY 09L.
  • Windshear (or ‘wind shear’) can be extremely dangerous to aircraft, particularly during the takeoff and landing stages of flight.
  • Strong and unexpected gusts of cross wind made the landing bumpy.
  • In order to maintain desired course during the flight, it is necessary for an aircraft to continuously compensate for both wind direction and wind speed.

More examples

  • One of the main causes of light aircraft accidents is loss of directional control during takeoff and landing in windy conditions (pilots institute).
  • There are two methods of executing the landing in crosswind conditions. Both require that you fly the final approach with a crab into the wind to maintain centerline alignment (aopa).
  • Strong surface winds can throw pilots an unexpected curve ball if they’ve planned a flight to a favorite destination and find the conditions at the arrival airport exceed the capabilities of their airplane, themselves or both (flyingmag).
  • There is no question that tailwheel airplanes are a bigger handful in the wind (aopa).

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